We hope you enjoy your visit here. Please join or login if you have joined before.


Hey! Hey! Glad you are here!  I wanted to tell you about Rats World and who I am. Rats World is a portal/website designed for a community of family and friends. If you're visiting, my poetry is open to the public, however, I must say most of the features are for the Rat's World registered members. I do this to keep an eye on who reads and is linking to outside websites as some of my content is my works and I wish to not have it displayed elsewhere or used without my permission. What is inside for members:

  • Forums in which I host music talk from musicians and gear that I use and others recommend or are using. Forums have programming content, Forums for my Humor and yours. 
  • Chat Rooms - Users can chat with me or others when online.  
  • Access to my blog where I write my thoughts about the day, week, or month. 
  • I have a dedicated sound room area and soon will be streaming content daily for the studio.
  • For those looking for my gamer side, yes I have an area dedicated to which I will be posting videos of my gameplay soon.

I want to explain the many names you may see throughout Rats World.
I have friends or family that know my nic names some from long ago and some current.
I am known as Rat, Brat Rat, Master Rat, I Am Rat, and last but not least Dostani. My real name is Robert but everyone calls me Rob these days. These names were or are used in Gaming, old Social Media or chat programs. Some date back to the Myspace era. I use Rat currently just because I feel and get treated that way. Well, my humor has its involvement. 

Anyway, I will shut up now.

Enjoy your stay! :guitar::beer::hippie::sinner:


Random quote

Life's like a bird. It's pretty cute until it shits on your head.